programs that have attracted industry

Another challenge in teaching telecommunications or carrying out a relevant research program in universities is that the facilities and resources at academic institutions are not adequate to address the architectural and operational issues of large-scale telecommunications networks. Since there has never been any pressure or financial incentive to create the resources The previous sections highlight…

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defense applications of telecommunications

Research in commercial and defense applications of telecommunications has contributed significantly to U.S. military strength. Captured in the phrase “network-centric warfare,” the central and growing importance of communications systems to national defense and homeland security makes these key areas that rely on having a strong U.S. research and skill base. The intensity of the communications…

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the health and competitiveness

How important is telecommunications as an industry, and how important is telecommunications research to the overall health of that industry? Underlying these questions are several others. How important is telecommunications to the U.S. economy and society? To what extent are U.S. consumers likely to benefit directly from telecommunications research in terms of new products and…

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metropolitan statistical areas and rural service

By the early 1980s, the FCC was issuing wireless telephony licenses and setting up metropolitan and rural jurisdictions (so-called metropolitan statistical areas and rural service areas), and, by the middle of the decade, first-generation wireless systems were being deployed in the United States. These systems were based on analog cellular technology using the advanced mobile…

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Networking and Information Technology Research and Development

However, a top-down indication of the level of investment can be obtained from Networking and Information Technology Research and Development: Supplement to the President’s Budget for FY2006,18 a report of the National Coordination Office for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development. It describes the networking and information technology research spending by its 11 participating…

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the telecommunications industry is broader

It includes companies selling components or intellectual property predominately of a communication flavor, including integrated circuit chip sets for cell phones and cable and digital subscriber line (DSL) modems. No longer a vertically integrated business, the telecommunications industry is enabled by a complex value chain that includes vendors, service providers, and users. The telecommunications value…

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identify actions that the U.S. telecommunications industry

The committee’s findings below outline challenges to the telecommunications sector’s continuing capacity for innovation. The recommendations that follow identify actions that the U.S. telecommunications industry, research community, and government should take together to strengthen the nation’s telecommunications research institutions and programs. The scope of telecommunications technology and of the industry itself has grown dramatically over…

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computer services company NCR several years

The second stage of the breakup of the Bell System occurred at the end of 1995 when the existing AT&T (which had acquired the computer services company NCR several years earlier) made the decision to divest both the computer operations part of the business (selling it back to NCR) and the equipment manufacturing part of…

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